Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I am ready to start posting the responses to the latest ad. To summarize and bring you up to date, this is the ad by the pro-life Republican who owns the cockfighting video distribution business.

Overall, I'd say we have Success (yes, with a capital 'S'). Why?

Check this out. Today, I start with the LAST email I received:

Your posting has been flagged down by craigslist users.

Approximately 98% of postings removed by flagging are in violation of craigslist posting guidelines.

Please make sure you are abiding by all posted site rules, including our terms of use:

If you need help figuring out why your posting was flagged, try asking other craigslist users in our flag help forum: Include posting title, body, category, city, how often posted, any images, HTML markup, etc.

If your posting was wrongly flagged down (2% of flagged ads are) please accept our apologies and feel free to repost.

Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your understanding.

YES! So from here on are the non-computer generated responses to the ad.


that was funny.

HEllo- (this thing on?!)

Hows the Site working out for you?
*getting lots and lots of responces?

WELL- I just wanted to send you a message here..
If you have a minute - send a reply! :-)
*(Includes pic of a guy who hopes--prays--that he looks like the Fonz. He looks more like Corky from Life Goes On.)

I can't tell if you're serious or if you're really a Democrat at heart.
it a test to see who can sense your underlying sarcasm?
If not, you're batshit insane and I hope to hell you don't find someone
procreate with.

I'm an ultraconservative-executioner type. How do you like that? And my fave of all time:
RWR. You should know who I'm talking about. Have a framed picture of him in my living room (which is NOT where I took this lame photo of myself with that awesome sheet/curtain!) And I have zero tatts. Only prob: I drive an old Volvo and might have a couple of years on you.

Here is my pic. I was excepted to Cornell but chose to go to USC because they had a better accounting program. My favorite political figure is Ronald Regan. I am a registered republican. I have attached something funny.

*(Includes a horrible picture of guys with guns standing over a pile of dead birds arranged to spell out, "PETA SUCKS." Other picture is a face shot; he looks like your typical skinhead jock. Which one is the "something funny?"

in sm you must feel alonein s/m my city 180 defernt all the best from the punk rock hero

very funny but you are obviously a dude.
*(Includes the following pic.)

cockfighting? now Im confused.

Hey, I like what you have to say, you are a right on young lady, while Im too old for you I just wanted to say that I wish there were more like you in Cali, this state is a lost cause with too mant Libs. Just remember that
Bush is not really a conservative republican but a little more liberal when it comes to illegal immigration. Im sure your aware though. When I was married my ex had an abortion because she was 5150 (bi polar) while she was pregnant in early stage. Although I feel we made the right decision at the time, it was very painful to us both later in life. I dont want to sound like a hippocrit but would also not recommend abortion to anyone. I just wanted to chat with you and good luck with your search.

LOL!!! That one was great!


west point grad (bet you havent got that one yet)
combat vet
current ROTC instructor
lives in P****..and i dont say poop

i hope hillary slips and breaks her leg.

*(Includes self-taken picture of guy in mirror. Judging by what I see, I hope he realizes what everyone else knows and comes out of the closet. What a motherfucker, right? My guess is West Point Barber College. Does beating Call of Duty on his XBox count as being a combat vet? I totally believe the other stuff.)

Hello, I wish to send you greetings tonight, from the flatlands of hollywood, where I may be one of the very few log cabin republicans left. I am a gentleman who happens to love his nation as well as our commander in chief. I am a man surrounded by liberals on all sides seems sometimes. I am also a confederate american & may I say, proud to be one. I am a mere shadow in the shadows of greater confederate Newt Gingrich....among others...I stand and live, as a man, who accepts the fate of our yankee run nation...knowing full well that the wheels that were set in motion long ago of the yankee war machine...cannot be easily stopped. Our beloved president, george w. bush, ...does what he knows in his heart god has instructed him to do. He is a great man...and truly believes that he has been chosen by god to bring an end to the maddness that has been ongoing in the mid east for millenia. I sometimes wonder if the arabic troublemakers will ever stop harrasing the jews. It was not so long ago that they were living in the sand in an unchanged world...for thousands of years. The finding of the dinosaur juice (OIL) changed their way of life and gave them money which is of course power. I for one dont think it is a good idea...i was meditating on this last night...and i thought....what if they didnt have any..? what if all we all had was solar power....limitless of course it is..and free, they would have nothing to fight over...but they would fight over land...they just are troubled...dont like the jews...gods chosen people..dont like hindus..catholics...christians...or anyone else... we should maybe leave it be...after all I isnt our concern...but i do stand behind my president 100%...our president right or in god and all will be well. the phillistines are now called the palistine people....we know about them from the bible. I go forward with my life....glorifying our commander and knowing he is doing gods will. I wonder about john will he be? i said to my best friend..who taught me about the goodness in republicans...maybe george sr. can come back...he will run for president again...since he CAN legally..only having 1 term so far..and W can run for vice president..then we can have a bush dynasty...followed by jeb, and then maybe the twins...if they aspire.. well they have a lot of growing up to do yet..:) I sometimes I am mistaken for a liberal by bush supporters out at rallys..because they think i am a hippie or some such jazz..i have to gently let them know i am on their side....things have was a grandfather was as well...but the party shifted gears in there somewhere...we know that the liberals have a lot to learn. I wave the rebel flag...and know that if any fool thinks its a racist symbol they truly need a history lesson. freedom.....freedom from oppression by a very aggressive yankee govermnent bent on destroying our agrarian way of life...we shall always be free...let us stand tall and wave the rebel flag. your friend, f***

*(Includes pic that is as strange as the email. It's a dazed-looking 50s guy in a Hawaiian shirt with a big mustache and long-ass hair. The man can leave the war, but the war can't leave the man--know what I mean? Anymore ellipses and I'd think I was trying to read fucking Braille.)

Hello there well I would be interested in chatting or maybe meeting up sometime. I am a very easy going person but also someone fun to hang out with. If you would be interested then give me an email back and we can go from there. N***
*(Includes two tool pics of tool guy. Obviously didn't read the fucking ad.)

We have a lot in common. Here's my picture from last
Halloween. I dressed as my favorite fascist. I hope to
hear back from you.
*(Includes pic of Hitler.)

Where are all the girls like you in this freek'n town ???? I'm with you all the way.....although not a ivy league.

I loved your CL ad. I read the ad's for amusement when I'm bored and have come accross at least 3 that said something like "if you are a conservative, i'm not interested". Of course, I sent a message to those idiots and gave them a piece of my mind.

I too am a staunch Republican of the Reagan variety. Some of my favorite people......
> Ronald Reagan.....seriously, he makes Clinton look like the whiney ass little punk he is.
> Tom Tancredo
> Al Rantel

It's tough being a Republican here. But it's easy when you need to debate someone because your typical lib is an idiot. Family functions are "fun" because it's me against a bunch of libs. Of course, they don't know what's going on. My brother came over on Saturday and I said, "I figured you were at the idiot convention today" and he had no clue an anti-war march was happening.

Not sure why I'm telling you this because I'm not putting my hat into the ring.

But I did want you to know that your ad rocked!

i just had to email you and find out if you're full of interesting
sarcasm or sickening literalism? if you truly are being literal, what
are you doing in California? Shouldn't you move to Texas or Louisiana
or Mississppi? I laughed at your post with cognitive dissonance in
hopes you were trying to be funny. I hope I was right.



Honestly Miss, yer way out in left field!
How can ya say that George (I'm pretty much on a first-name basis with him) has a "connection with God"?!
He is God's chosen, designated stand-in (no alternates were selected; nobody else qualified).
Are George and I the only two people on earth who can see that? What does it take to convince the rest of you so-called Republicans? He's already demonstrated his political genius by slashing taxes, along with all those useless pork-barrel programs (like schools, housing, healthcare, elder care, orphanages, etc.)
In their place, we've got thousands of new jobs ranging Military... to...uh... Wal-Mart, to...well, whatever, what's it matter anyway? As long as we've got textbooks saying Darwin's a dufus and the earth was created in a week?
Who needs facts anyway? They just confuse the poor kids. At least they sure confused me. I never bothered with school, I was too busy with real life: Drivin' my Mustang, pumpin' iron, and kickin' back a with a six-pack.
Well, that's about all for now, little lady. Hope I learned ya sump'm.

That's some funny stuff. And if you are really a woman, it's even
doubly funny, because most gals ain't at all funny.


You have the funniest post that I have ever read. I think that you are a very clever liberal.

As a true Republican, I support the idea of killing all terrorists, but the not pussy way that Bush is doing. If Regan was in office, there would be just a dark spot where the Muslims once lived.

I am 36, 6'0" tall. good looking, Jewish, and a very successful businessman.


PS I am a large Republican donor.

Anyone home tonight?

I was curious about this posting, as it sounds...well...unusual for the site, if that makes much sense.

If you don't mind quirky types (who are quite pro-life) and you are a real person, let me know... granted, you might dislike me, but such is life...

Favorite political figure? I always rather liked Teddy Roosevelt.

-- Me
The Curious

I didn't qualify based on your requirements (discrimination is very non-Republican...... ha ha!)

1) 37
2) don't drive an American car. BMW 750Li. I'm 1/2 German....what can I say?
3) I'm 6' 1-3/4"
4) didn't graduate from college but do make over $300K and have a bit stashed away. And trust me, I am not one of those guys that think they're hot shit because I have some money. I just found myself with an incredible opportunity when I was 20 and never looked back.

With all due respect, college is overrated. I interview college grads all the time (USC, University of Chicago, Penn State, Duke, etc...). Not sure what they are teaching kids these days because I am rarely impressed. And I cannot tell you how many resumes I get that go straight to the trash because the cover letter has spelling errors and poor grammar. One error and it's in the trash. It's their FRIGGIN resume.

Anyways, sorry for my rambling.

I would have to say Karl Rove would be my favorite political figure.
The man
is an utter genius, and I hope to follow in his footsteps one day. The
he works behind the scenes, he is the puppet master. I don't wish Karl
President though. If Karl was in charge, there'd be another Karl really
running the show.

God Bless America.**********

I have a New Mustang GT Convertible (Gun Metal Gray), Love Newt, am a
Banker and like to have fun. I really like your ad. I am what you are
looking for. Period. You described me exactly. Call me.


*(Includes pic of guy that looks like Jared from Subway. Looks like he wet his pants, though it could be the lighting or angle of where the picture was taken. Besides, if he shit himself, the shit may be making it look like he peed himself too, though that may not be the case.)


Over dinner Might tell you why I choose voting Republican while in a liberal Art school and what I did with making a Handmade ceramic urinal and its political intentions while I was in Art College.

I am a Ceramic sculptor

below is a picture of me on break, while making sculpture in front of a audience at the Orange County Fair.
write me Back and I will send you a pic of the Sculpture I made there
*(Includes pic of scary-looking man. He's got this look on his face that says he left a huge part of himself (ie. his sanity) in some swamp in Vietnam. Wild eyes, fucked up hair. Looking at his picture is like reading something written by one of the 60s Beat writers on acid (such as Naked Lunch)).

Go away spammer.

Hey!! What are you doing in Santa Monica ?

I'm Republican, but not for much longer if they keep up the crap they are pulling. I don't like Bush's handling of the war, but I think he is being to easy on the Muslims. Hammer them. I drive a Lincoln pickup with a Rebel battle flag for my front license plate.

How is the market for the cockfighting videos? I've been to cockfights in Oklahoma when it was still legal there. What is the only State that still allows it?

Of course my favorite political figure is Ronald Reagan.

I'm 40. Sorry, but I just had to respond to your ad. Must be because I attended public school.

*(Includes pic of guy who hopes you, me, and everyone else think he's 40. He looks 55 or so. Bald, at home with mom and dad, waiting for them to die so he can have the house to himself so he can invite girls over.)

I want mo mo mo

It's cool to see another republican on here. While we wouldn't agree on some thinks it's cool to see. I am a big supporter of the president and the war. Fave political figure Tom "The Hammer" Delay. I am actually a musician and a graphic designer and grew up with parents who owned their own business. I graduated IU with a BFA in photography. Anyway, if interested, hit m up.
*(Includes three general pics of this guy. He likes to wear black. Maybe he thinks it doesn't make him look like a fucking douche bag.)

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