Thursday, September 15, 2005

More of Ping's Piece

I just booked my tickets for my Big Move to Hawaii. I plan on heading out to Phoenix around the 1st or 2nd of October. My original plan was to fly to Hawaii around the 9th or so (perhaps earlier, but no later than the 11th). However, the ticket turned out to be cheapest if I fly out the night of the 14th. I'll arrive in Kona on the morning of the 15th.

I quit my job. My manager asked if I wanted to take my same job in Hawaii. After a few days of thinking about it, I decided that this was a horrible idea. Odd, isn't it? One of the biggest reasons for moving to Hawaii was to escape my job. It sucks. It's boring. I'd rather stick my nuts in a vice and crank until I pass out than to spend any more time than I have to on my job. I aspire to get a job at Home Depot.

What happened to my drive and ambition? Home Depot? Do you realize there was a time in my life (early college) when I wanted to be a nuclear engineer. There was another time I wanted to be a lawyer. And now, I'm aiming for a part time job at a large home improvement chain. What happened? Let's review:
* I've always been drug-free
* I drink infrequently
* I'm educated, and enjoy learning
* Never ate paint chips
Well? I don't know.

The court case is going alright. It's possibly almost over, but I'm not holding my breath. When I get bored, I play Hangman with the juror next to me. I guessed 'California' with just seeing the I's and the A's, but couldn't figure November. She couldn't guess three of my words: Panama Canal, tuberculosis, and jury duty. I figured she'd be able to get 'jury duty.'

Meanwhile, I'm working on a CD with my neighbor. I did vocals, he did guitar. I won't go into too much detail, but it took like an hour just to do two songs. What the heck? All well, you've got to spend time to make platinum, right?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ping appears to be trying too hard this time. He is no longer hot. Tell him to lose my number.