Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sometimes pronounced "mysery"

I'm in St. Louis, Missouri. Missouri. Where they still ask, "Smoking or non?" It's a wierd question. You see, in civilized states such as New Mexico and California, there is no choice because smoking inside a public place is against the law. In butt-fucked-in-the-head heavily Republican states, they still ask that question because it's legal to give yourself and those around you lung cancer. Not that I dislike Missouri. Which I do. I do like St. Louis, though. It's a very nice city that I wouldn't mind living in. Very historic. But the rest of Missouri--you can have it. The Ozarks? No thanks.

I'm here for my grandmother's funeral. She was a very cool woman, but a horrible driver. The funeral is on Friday. She had cancer. Light a Yahrzeit candle for her. It's especially strange, also, in that her death happened on Rosh Hashnnah--the holiest of holy days. Score one for grandma's timing. She would have been proud.

I'll have to update my blog later. There's not much time right now. Patience is a virtue, asshole.

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