Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Who could I be plagiarizing from?

You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older.

And now you're even older.

And now you're even older.

You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older, and now you're older still.

TIME. Is marching on. And time...is still marching on.

Blue canary in the alley by the light switch (who watches over you)?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul.


Fluffy said...

if that was kind of a quiz then I'm answering "they might be giants". If not and it was rhetorical then pretend i just nodded appreciatively.

Adam said...

Good answer by Fluffy.

I'd guess it's from the little known:

'Dr Seuss and the Morose Moose'.

Ryan Medalie said...

Istanbul was Constantinople. But now it's Istanbul. NOT Constantinople. So if you have a date in Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Istanbul.

I plagiarized off of They Might Be Giants's "Flood" and "Long Tall Weekend" albums. Congratulations, Fluffy!