Sunday, July 03, 2005

Doctors a' Plenty

Diagnosis for Back
My doctor called Friday afternoon about my back. He got the results of my MRI, and decided to give me a call.



"Wassup. It's Dr. Morgenson."

"Whatchu doin'?"

"Chillin'. You?"

"I'm linin' the pockets of the Man."

"Fo' real, fo' real..."

Then he said he got the results of my MRI. Evidentally, it's a herniated disc between the L4 and L5, and it's pretty bad. But he said as long as I don't feel numbness around my buttocks or groin area, and I haven't lost control of my bowels and bladder, I should be jim-dandy. If I do, then I must somehow get over to the emergency room. So as long as I don't shit my pants or unknowingly wet myself, I'm good. Great. This sounds reassuring.

No more kickboxing for the foreseeable future. No lifting of heavy objects. Other stuff he said not to do and I forget what they are, but I'll probably remember when I can't feel my dick.

Diagnosis for Cough
I went to my aunt and uncle's yesterday in Agoura Hills. I was talking to my aunt and uncle on the couch when I coughed. My uncle gave a strange, knowing look to my aunt. "How long have you had this cough?"

"Oh...Since June 12th. Two or three days before I threw my back out."

Out comes his stethoscope and then he said, "It's walking pneumonia. Possibly bronchitis."

Then he gave me drugs. I asked what their street value was, but he didn't tell me. So if you know somebody who wants Biaxin XL 500 mg tablets (this is the good shit, too--it'll FUCK you up), let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Debra Breyan and i would like to show you my personal experience with Biaxin.

I have taken for 4 days. I am 54 years old. This is a horrible drug! Don't take it! I'm sick of these new "wonder" drugs (like Levaquin, even worse than Bioxin) that just make you worse than your illness, and I'm sick of doctors who prescribe them and then don't believe you when you have unbearable side effects. It should be taken off the market.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Abdonimal pain, gas, bloating, depression (really severe), dizziness, "spaced out," disconnected feeling, fatigue, unable to concentrate. This drug has really messed up my week--I can't get anything done, just walk around in a daze. And my sinuses & cough aren't all that much better.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Debra Breyan