Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Real Estate Purchase

I've got to tell you...
I'm dying for some action. I'm sick of sitting around here trying to write this book. I need a love reaction. Come on baby, just give me one look. You can't start a fire sitting around crying over a broken heart. This gun's for hire.


Who did I plagiarize from?

BONUS: Why did I plagiarize this?

I'm considering purchasing some real estate here in Los Angeles County--specifically here in Pasadena.

California Micro Lot (CML)
Based on my needs and what I can afford, I found an excellent lot just a few blocks away here in Pasadena just north of Paloma and Sierra Madre (check out the map). It's an excellent area, and it's supposed to be a really good school system. The lot I'm considering buying is only $150,000. I'll still have to build a structure, but it shouldn't cost much.

The lot may be somewhat small, but they say the location is THE most important aspect. It's a California Micro Lot, so it's only a one square foot lot. I choose to think of it not as JUST one square foot, but as 144 square inches. That's a lot of square inches. I could probably divide up my parcel into smaller subsections, and sell those off. The tax benefits were just too great to pass this up.

I won't be moving out of the apartment, yet. I've got to figure out what I'm going to build on the lot that I'll be able to live in. The problem is that my land is smaller than the linen closet in my apartment, but architects are doing some pretty amazing things these days. Perhaps through the smart use of lighting, that square foot lot can be made to look like three square feet.

My friend appears to be going through caffeine withdrawals. You should give her a word of support to help her through.

My Friend and Online Dating
I was hanging out with my friend at Starbucks when another friend drove up. He said he was meeting someone--a girl--from online. He parked, and we waited with him for this girl to arrive.

I interrupted their date by sitting down between them and asking what she does for a living (nothing special), where she went to school (yawn), and her phone number (strange look and nervous laugh).

I was also going to ask my friend for a cigarette. He doesn't smoke. Hell, neither do I, but I thought it'd be funny, because he'd say, "Dude, I don't smoke." And I'd say, "Dude, you were smoking right before she got here. Give me a smoke. I'll roll you a J the next time we're at a gang-bang. I'll even let you go before me."

I didn't get to have my fun, though. It's like he knew I was going to do something like this, so they left before I could.


Fluffy said...

i won't deign to name the 'artist' in the case. you KNOW i know. i don't want to encourage this new bad music thing.

is california land really that expensive? is CML real? i'm checking my calendar but april 1st is a long way off.

Fluffy said...

I have theories about for the bonus portion of the question. Are you depressed?

Source Jockey said...

LOL--your mind is weak, young Jedi... She enjoyed your company, though.

Ryan Medalie said...

Of course she enjoyed my company. I'm a fucking riot.

Did you enjoy her company (if ya' know what I mean)?