Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Gods of Juries Have Looked Down and Smiled Unto Me

Yes, I got called for jury duty.

Most people say, "Awww fuck. Jury duty."

I say, "Great smoking Moses! I am truly a lucky man!"

As mentioned in the past, I prefer a lot of things to working: dental work, physical therapy, MRIs. Now I can add jury duty to that list. Yay!

All this work I've got stacked up at the office. It piles up like the snows of hell pile up faster than you could ever imagine shoveling it away. I'm so far behind, I'd say I'd be in danger of losing my job if I were in the private sector.

However, since I'm a government employee, I get my promotion and raise on Monday. No shit.

Oh, but it's bad, and my manager has taken notice. However, I think she has decided not to care because with the promotion comes a reassignment to another manager. This sort of sucks. Yeah, there'll be a hefty pay increase (for the month that I work there before quitting), but I'll have to sit farther away from the window (for the month that I work there before quitting).

This morning was all right. It was a long day over all, but they all are. Yesterday, we were basically told that if we don't back up everything on our laptops at work, it'll all be destroyed with this BIG software update for one of the government's proprietary programs.

Fantastic. So everyone starts backing up their files to some space on a hard drive on a remote server--the I-drive (you know, where c: is the hard drive, d: is a local partition, e: is the CD-R/DVD, i: is the remote drive). The I-drive filled up because nobody was zipping up all their files, because nobody told us to. So after spending 3 hours trying to back it up, someone came running around handing out slips of fucking paper with a command code. After three tries and another 2 hours, I got it to work. And then, I called to make sure it worked, and the guy said that it didn't really matter whether we backed up all our shit; nothing is expected to happen so that we lose any of our files. Meanwhile, I got to sit back and take a 5 hour break.

All well. Your taxes pay my paychecks. That's cool.

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