Sunday, August 07, 2005


I'm moving to Hawaii.

Yes, the land of Lincoln...wait, that's Illinois. And Hawaii became a state long after Lincoln was shot.

Nevertheless, I'm moving there. I'll be there early to mid-October.

I'll be back, though. It's not forever.

I'll be living in the Kona region on the Big Island. I hope it'll be fun. One friend tells me that I'll be miserable and bored, and that I'll totally regret moving there after a week or two. Thanks for the vote of confidence! I know you're just jealous.

Of course if I was paid assloads of money to only work five hours a week like this particular friend, I'd probably have plenty of reason in that alone to stay. Alas, I don't.

I can't see how it'll make me as miserable as my job, though. Anything that could be less miserable than my job has promise. By this rationale, skydiving without a parachute has more promise.

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