Monday, March 14, 2005

Dictator of Your Mom

Hi. My name is Ryan Medinski. I must be up front. I have a rare disorder called Don't Fucking Piss Me Off, Asshole, or I'll Fucking Kill You. It's a rare affliction. Many people don't have it as bad as me. So just be forewarned. Since it's a medical condition, by the way, my medical treatment for it is tax deductable. Isn't that sweet? I love the IRS. No, I really honestly do.

So I used to live in the desert surrounded by sand. Now, I live in Pasadena, California surrounded by lots and lots of angry people, and some water (it's called the Specific Ocean, I think).

I work for a small government agency. I usually hang out and eat donuts. Sometimes I listen to music and talk on the phone. I like to print jokes out on the printer and make copies of my face. This is your tax money at work. Isn't that awesome?

This is my first post. To quote David Hasselhoff's web site (, "Stay tuned for news, views, and reviews."

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