Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Snowy Jesus Christ

Hello, friends.

This is my third post. I feel amazingly good, because three is a lucky number. Shit, wait. Never mind. Seven is good. No, that's unlucky, too. In the Chinese culture, I know eight is lucky. Three seems to be bad in pretty much every culture I can think of.

My friend has a boy. We'll call my friend Gevin Kant. He has a boy, and we'll call him Jaboc. And we'll say his wife is named...Sunset. And Gevin Kant teaches...psychology. It snowed where they live (let's just say they live in a place called Albakurkee). And young Jaboc marvelled at the snow falling out of the sky and yelled out, "This is 'Jesus Christ!'"

Is this indicative of his love of Jesus H. Christ? Is he a future member of the Christian Coalition? Or did he incorrectly mean to yell out, "Jesus Christ, look at all the fuckin snow!" and yelled out the wrong thing? Hopefully, his heart was in the right place, and he meant the latter.

Meanwhile, it's 70 degrees in Pasadena. I know, because I was able to check weatherchannel.com from my cubicle. Apparently, it was sunny, cloudless, and very pretty outside. This, also according to weatherchannel.com and live pictures off someone's webcam where I could see what it looked like outside without having to turn around and look out the window (or, God forbid, go outside).

I need money. Anybody got any I could have?

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