Monday, March 21, 2005

Holy Matrimony, Batman!

Everyone's getting married. Or is married. Or in love, and probably will soon be married. Or already divorced, even.

Why should I be jealous? I think I'm jealous of that initial feeling--fleeting in the long-term--of "everything is great!"

Of course that "everything is great!" attitude seems to usually turn to "everything is fucked, shithead!" Well, 65% of the time it does.

I'm at a point in my life where many sitcoms start: the funny, quirky single guy living in with his equally single, yet flawed (in the sense of what society figures are flaws) sidekick . Cheers? Seinfeld? Will and Grace? Frazier? The list goes on and on--and the bulk of these shows are like marriages: 65% of them are cancelled after a short time, maybe one or two seasons.

My friend (married) saw my ex-girlfriend in a bagel shop with her fiance and her father (who is divorced, and will probably soon remarry). A guy in college who I thought would be a bachelor for life, and seemed to possess no interest in women--engaged! TO A WOMAN!

What in the hell?

There is probably a greater stastical chance of passing a kidney stone than of living a successful marriage, but why am I somewhat jealous? It's like watching a high-wire act. You see a dude walking across a long, long cable with no net underneath him. Sooner or later, he'll probably fall and the bitch'll take everything--but you sort of wonder, "If that were me up there, would I fall?"

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