Monday, May 16, 2005

To Clarify...

To clarify, I never have referred to any woman as a 'hoe.'

I've never said, "Oh, that bitch is one big hoe."

No, I typically use it in the plural form: "Those bitches are some big fuckin' hoes."

Now that I've clarified my position, let's move on.

It's difficult to concentrate. It seems that there are several Chinese people about twenty feet from my front door arguing about how to fix an air conditioner. Obviously, the argument is in Chinese, so I don't know how far along they are in fixing it. Are they singing now? What the hell are they doing out there?

How many Chinese people does it take to fix an air conditioner? Maybe I should go ask the Chinese guy screwing in the light bulb right near them.

I'm working on my book. I must get back to it. Today is a short post.

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