Friday, April 29, 2005

The Office Revolution

A comment from a previous post says that this blog is unstoppable. This is how I do things: unstoppable.

At work today, I found a letter on my desk from the union. I read it. It basically said that my employer will soon be handing out the 2005 SURVEY. The union has withdrawn their support for the survey, and urges all union members to not take it. Why? They don't like the wording of questions.

I had to tape that letter up on the wall. I had to do this to remind myself where I'm dumping about 40 bucks down the drain every month. I could have cable. I could buy 3 CDs every month. I could buy some books to read and enlighten myself. Instead, I'm burning up 40 bucks so people can argue over a fucking survey. This is the epitome of government waste. That and the two sets of timesheets: the Form 3081 biweekly timesheet and the Form 795 daily timesheet. And how you're supposed to fax AND mail certain items to other departments. And the fact that they employee people that don't work, that just sit around all Goddamn day doing nothing--people like me.

So I asked my manager (non-union), "What's so great about the survey?"

"If you want something to change or improve, you do the survey," she said.

"I want an espresso machine next to the toaster." Our group has a toaster, microwave, and coffee maker. But I want an espresso machine. "This would be an improvement."

"You're not getting an espresso machine."

"Not for the group," I said. "For me. At my desk. In my cubicle. Mine."


"WHAT?" I exclaimed. 'This is horseshit,' I thought. "You mean I have to bring my own from home? That's horrible! What kind of sweatshop is this?" So I went over to the group 13. They still had cake leftover from Secretary's Day (what a bizarre holiday), so I ate some, and then followed it up with some Oreos from group 11.

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