Friday, April 22, 2005

The Shortest Post So Far

I walked across some police tape, today. "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS..." It's so inviting. It seems so dangerous. And I was thinking, "If they really want to keep people out, they should put up tape that says, 'WATCH REALLY FAT PEOPLE HAVE SEX WATCH REALLY FAT..." and "YOUR GENITALS WILL FALL OFF IF YOU CROSS THIS TAPE YOUR GENITALS WILL...", or even "FREE ANAL RAPE TEN STEPS AHEAD FREE ANAL RAPE TEN STEPS AHEAD FREE..."

I'm thinking about spending the time I use doing my blog to instead build a large brick wall around my parking space so nobody FUCKING LOOKS AT MY CAR. But then how will I back out of my space?

A conundrum.

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